Greetings to my reader

Yes, reader… I know of at least three folks who actually open these things and read them. I get feedback and likes from them and they let me know what they do and don’t want to read about. Sometimes they actually make suggestions of things to see that I hadn’t thought about.

I kind of presume that most of you who are here are just bots looking to hack into my meager little laptop for some nefarious reason which I can’t fathom. I have no access to any government accounts or high level banking. I don’t know where the secrets are kept, I don’t know if there was a second shooter, I have never seen inside the hangars at Area 51 (I would really like to, being a flying nut), nor do I know what the secret Coke formula is (being a Coke fan, I just believe!).

What I do have access to is a desire and lifestyle for travel and adventure. This is shared by my wonderful wife and with friends, and acquaintances met along the way. We enjoy the out of doors and the other folks using the resources as they were meant to be used. We are here to travel and have fun at our leisure. We have no plans to make plans unless absolutely needed for health or safety. I invite you to come along with me here or with The F&O chronicle over at where the real stories unfold. Don’t worry, we will leave the desert southwest at some time and you will get to hear of less dusty climates but for now enjoy this desert rats fun.

Read, COMMENT, and please let me know what you do or don’t like. Otherwise you just get my ramblings, Bwhahhahaha.

So, come on out and join us if you can. If not, I hope my little tales keep you interested and give you some insight to our experiences.



BFD, a blog about our travels and other life experiences. I'm not selling anything other than the desire to get outside and experience life.

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