A Very Long Winter

This winter was one for the record books.  Not the weather, but my personal journey.  I won’t bore you with the details but I became very ill in December.  A couple of viruses ravaged me over the winter combined with an ulcer and I spent the winter mostly on my back.  I was barely able to move from my bed to a chair.  I was off work from December through May and have returned to light duty recently.  I lost 55 pounds and 80% of my leg muscles.  Nerve damage and loss of muscle combined to make this strong guy into a weakling.  I have had to basically learn to walk again and have progressed from a walker to a cane since April.

This has made for a very enlightening experience.  My pace has slowed down through necessity and I am spending more time experiencing the small things in life.  I truly appreciate the smell of dinner cooking as E takes care of me.  E has been the one constant in my life and she has been a champ through all of this.  She has had to wait on me for all my needs and has kept me alive through this ordeal.   In February, when things were at the worst, she kept me going with encouragement and support.  She has been strong for both of us when my strength and spirit waned.  I could not have survived without the love and care she has given me and I could not love her more for her dedication to me.

I had no interest in doing anything this winter, including the simple task of keeping this blog up.  For this, I apologize to you, my readers.  I will now attempt to keep you up to date on the ramblings of my journeys.

I will update some missing stuff from over the past few months and get the adventure started again to hopefully keep you entertained and give insights into the life and times of my rambling soul.


BFD, a blog about our travels and other life experiences. I'm not selling anything other than the desire to get outside and experience life.

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1 Response

  1. Lesli Taylor-Barrett says:

    So glad you’re back blogging. You scared us fella! Love you, The Barrett’s, Sean & Les

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