The steps of Amalfi
The coast of Amalfi. This area has an interesting history throughout the ages from the very beginning. The one constant that exists through today is the stairs. You can Google the steps and be amazed as they go everywhere from everywhere. In other sections of this blog you have heard of the stairs (see “A Day Hike”) and seen some pictures of the steps.
I just wanted to expand on the views. Everywhere you go on this coast you walk. It was four stories down steps from our apartment to the main square to where the shops were. It was down those self same stairs to get to the beach. Want to walk to the next town over to catch the bus or ferry? You guessed it…more stairs or steps or walk along the coast road in traffic.
Want to go from the main square of Amalfi to the supermarket? You guessed it, more stairs. I am just going to hit you with a bunch of stairs photos from mine and other cameras in our party…I hope you enjoy this little diversion.
Atrani passage road? to the neighbors the chiesa above Atrani
Ravello steps Atrani passage road? to the neighbors
I hope you enjoyed this little gallery of steps, stairs and some of the places only accessible by them. We’ll see you in the next post.
Until then, Get out there and explore…