Sentinel Alpaca Ranch
We joined HarvestHosts this year in anticipation of the 2020 vacation travels and found that the Sentinel Alpaca Ranch fell perfectly in space and time for our overnight in Montana enroute to Cody, Wyoming from Ceour D’Alene Idaho. We called them a week in advance as our plans completely firmed up (Covid19) and they confirmed the space was available in their “back 20”. We received perfect entrance instructions via text message and arrived in the early evening (5pm, mst). We entered through the closed gate (close it behind you, there are alpacas in this field) and immediately saw the perfect spot on the left. It is a back in site with plenty of Juniper tree shade to the west. We got our fifth wheel set up and were grabbing a bite to eat when the owner showed up and invited us up to an after-hours tour of the store and the alpaca nursery. The tour of the nursery was given by Stewart who is extremely knowledgeable about their animals and what makes them tick. The store tour after was very beneficial as we are always looking for holiday and birthday gifts.
The sentinel page on HarvestHosts says they have four spots. This is up by the farmhouse and they can get you power there for a little extra. As we did not need power, the back 20 worked for us. By the time we went to bed (persieides meteor shower watching) there were a total of 10 rigs of varying shapes and sizes sharing the pasture. We pulled out ahead of the pack and were back on the freeway in minutes. The entry to this ranch is easy and well maintained but do keep an eye on the ditches on both sides of the one lane road leading to the pasture and the gate posts as you pull in and then out in the morning. For those of you that may be concerned about sharing the field with a herd of alpacas, they are civilized neighbors and keep their distance from the interlopers in their pasture.
I definitely recommend the Sentinel Farm to other members of the community.
The combo in the back 20 feeding the girls in the nursery
Have fun and get out there.