Graduation 2019

BFD’s daughter Kym has been going to the University of New Mexico main campus. She has had a number of career choice/major decisions over the years and finally settled on Psychology. Well, here it is, the spring of 2019 and she is getting her Bachelors in Science.

BFD flew out on a Thursday morning to Albuquerque’s Sunport Airport, leaving behind 80 degree weather in Washington for 65 degree weather in New Mexico…crazy turnabout, we know. This quick turnaround trip (taken on days off from work) would allow BFD to attend her graduation and also see his oldest daughter and granddaughters.

So, I get off the plane in Albuquerque and the phone rings…Kym, asking where I am. Well, I am on my way out of the gate area to head to car rental and as I walk past the TSA area there she is with a big smile on her face! She got a ride over to meet me and surprise me. What a great feeling to have her there and my heart swells as I give her a bear hug (forgetting about my chest bag, bruising her chest).

We get the car and then go meet her bestie for good New Mexican food at Little Anitas restaurant and then off to her place where I got to meet the grand-hedgehogs. I set up camp in her spare bedroom and we get caught up on the last few months.

Kym and ‘Kenzie
Just a couple a geeks having drinks

We get up on Friday and this is the first of two ceremonies for her. She chose to attend the commencement for the Psychology department and again go to the main commencement for the entire class on Saturday. So we decorated her graduation mortarboard and she got a new dress for underneath. We headed off to the venue where we met up with her mom and step dad and she got her first trip across the stage.

yeah, nerds…
mortarboard deco
Ollie wants in on the action
ollie wishes
proud daddy!
Kym and proud mom
across the stage
a sea of graduates on Saturday

So we both spent a lot of time up and moving to make things happen. Kym felt like she hadn’t slept in weeks, what with finals and preparations for graduation.

Saturday dawned and we headed out to the UNM Pit for the “big” graduation. This was quite the affair with the New Mexico Governor attending and a lot of pomp and circumstance. A couple hours later and the graduates had filed across the stage and it was time for the after parties.

Kym and I headed to a party being given by ‘Kenzies parents and then I headed to the town of Los Alamos for a quick visit with daughter Tyna and my granddaughters Kora and Frankie. I don’t get to see them very often as they live so far away and visiting always has to be thought out ahead. We had dinner in a local place and then headed back to home where we engaged in the building of new Lego kits for each girl. A long overnight visit with them and then breakfast and out to the local park for some more quality time before heading back to Albuquerque for my flight back to the real world (dang job calls).

girls like legos too
In the park with dogda too
Frankie feeds the ducks
a bronze pony
an ephalump
east from the Los Alamos mesa
camel rock
black butte

Kym wound up over sleeping, so no lunch with her on the way to the airport, ‘sigh’… caught the silver bird and home again for a bit.

Catch the next big adventure coming your way…. Flynn and Ollie go to Europe!!!!


BFD, a blog about our travels and other life experiences. I'm not selling anything other than the desire to get outside and experience life.

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2 Responses

  1. Les says:

    So happy for Kym! Cheers to the next chapter in her life

  2. Mom says:

    Such great pictures.wish I could see those girls.

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